To become an area of freedom, security and justice, the Council of the European Union adopted, on 13 June 2002, the Council Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between Member States (the EAW), which has led to abolishing extradition between member States and replacing it by a system of surrender between judicial authorities.
The EAW is the first concrete measure in the field of criminal law implementing the principle of mutual recognition, which the European Council referred to as the 'cornerstone' of judicial cooperation. The procedural change of the Framework Decision is the replacement of extradition by surrender. The substantive changes include the Principle of Mutual Recognition, Verdicts in Absentia, the Principle of Ne Bis in Idem, the Principle of Double Criminality, and the Principle of Non-Extradition of Nationals. Furthermore, the political offence exception has vanished in the EAW.
While the Framework Decision makes possible the extradition (now the surrender) of nationals, there are two relevant rulings that should be referred to: First, the Judgment of the Poland Constitutional Tribunal on April 27, 2005 concerning the Netherlands' request of surrender of Polish National Maria D., and second, the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court on July 18, 2005 concerning the Spain's request of surrender of Mamoun Darkazanli, a German and Syrian national.
Since the EAW Framework Decision is a newly developed model of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, this article will focus on the historical developments, the introduction of the EAW articles, some paradigm shifts, and the typical rulings, hoping to have a better understanding and knowledge toward the new system of surrender within the Europe Union of the century.
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