The non-violation complaint which originated in the framework of multilateral trading system has invited many issues in the WTO. One of them is whether this unique complaint can function well in the system of the TRIPS Agreement which has obviously different normative features and nature from the GATT system.
The Objectives of this article are to study the possibilities and dangers of the application of the non-violation complaint to the TRIPS Agreement, and to develop possible adjusting approaches. Apart from the introduction part, the second of this article is to survey on the nature, original functions and practices of the non-violation complaint, the third part of this article is to analyze the features and nature of the TRIPS Agreement and its differences with the GATT, the fourth part is to analyze if the non-violation complaints were to be applied in the TRIPS Agreement, what impacts would possibly happen, and if there are still any solutions for this issue, the fifth part comes to the conclusion.
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