


Research on Legal Issues with Reference to the Obligors' Joint Responsibility-Focus on German Civil Law




陳忠將(Chung-Chuan Chen)


連帶債務 ; 不真正連帶債務 ; 讓與請求權 ; 債務免除 ; 內部求償 ; joint responsibility ; unreal joint responsibility ; transfer the right of claim ; exemption from liabilities ; the obligors' interior claims




21卷4期(2010 / 04 / 01)


39 - 85






In addition to the individual debts, all of the obligors needed to repay the debts to the single obligee. There were some problems among the obligors after one of the obligors repaid to the obligee, such as the divided responsibility, joint responsibility, and indivisible responsibility, etc. The theories and the practice avoided lacking of legal regulations; they developed some kinds of conceptions like coordination debts and unreal joint responsibility, etc. Nevertheless, it seemed one of the calculated ways about the joint responsibility in civil law. Moreover, the problems would be more complicate when there were defense reasons between the obligee and the obligors and one of the obligors' external relations affected the obligors' internal responsibility. This article attempts to systemize related theories about internal responsibility among the obligors. In particular, the focus is on the obligors who exempt from debts or responsibility in advance and then the obligors how to deal with internal responsibility.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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