


The Incompatibilities among Criminal Offenses (Exklusivität von Straftatbeständen)




蔡聖偉(Sheng-Wei Tsai)


互斥排他關係 ; 擇一關係 ; 包含關係 ; 事實不明 ; 錯誤 ; 共犯逾越過剩 ; 罪刑法定原則 ; 競合規則 ; Incompatibility Exklusivität ; normative compatible relation das normative Einschlussverhältnis ; non liquet ; error Irrtum ; concurrence Konkurrenz




21卷4期(2010 / 04 / 01)


87 - 117






In the Criminal Code of Taiwan (thereinafter the Code), we often see some incompatibilities among criminal offenses. In other words, when one person commits a particular crime, it is impossible to commit another. Taking the following cases for example, the definition of intent and negligent in the general principles of the Code, the complete crime and the attempted crime, or the section one of Article 289 (at the pregnant woman's request) and the section one of Article 291 (without the request of the pregnant woman), all of these illustrate incompatible offenses in the current Code. The current Code seems to work without difficulty. However, when it comes to the mistake of fact or the ambiguity in fact, the current law results in a loophole which brings injustice: one cannot be punished because he originally has planed to commit a higher degree of offense in terms of culpable state of mind or criminal act. In order to fix this problem, amending the present Code is one solution; considering the possibility of statutory interpretation is another. The main purpose of this project is to explore the possibility of transforming the intra-incompatible relation among provisions into the normative compatible one.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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