


Observation on the Background Reasons and the Civil Compensation System of the False Statements in Chinese Stock Market




王文杰(Wen-Chieh Wang)


虛假陳述 ; 民事賠償 ; 行政管制 ; 前置程序 ; 集團訴訟 ; false statement ; civil compensation ; administrative regulation ; prepositional procedure ; class action




22卷2期(2010 / 10 / 01)


119 - 150






The development of the Chinese stock market comes from the government's reforming State-owned companies. The regulation emphasizes more on the administrative power. Governmental behaviors keep the operation of the stock market and therefore the governmentled model intervenes the free wills of the investors. This model is a huge distortion and conflicts with the modern system where listed companies should provide public information. It fosters the incentives and motivations of false statements. In addition, the legal system has been fallen behind the development of the Chinese stock market. The main shaft of Securities Law is administrative penalty and regulation. Over the years, the biggest group in the administrative penalty cases from securities torts is false statement, but the civil liability for compensation had been long ignored. The Supreme People's Court provided some remedies in its 2003 judicial interpretation if, and only if, the administrative penalty or the criminal judgment of the said case was final. It is a high threshold for a party to get remedies on time and oftentimes causes the unsatisfaction of the tort compensation. The lacking of class action in current Chinese civil litigation also makes it difficult to have a real compensation for the false statement cases.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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