


Effects of the Grand Justice Judicial Interpretation-Definition of Basic Structure and Systematic Observations


吳信華(Hsin-Hua Wu)


大法官 ; 大法官解釋 ; 確定力 ; 拘束力 ; 「司法院大法官審理案件法」修正草案 ; Grand Justices ; judicial interpretation ; binding power ; finalization (of a case) ; draft amendment of the 〞Law to Govern the Disposition of Cases by the Grand Justice〞




25卷4期(2014 / 04 / 01)


1 - 47






The Grand Justice is empowered by the Constitution to make judicial interpretations. The 〞effects〞 of the 〞interpretations〞 thus become an important issue for research. However, the laws on juridical interpretations do not provide for the involved effects. What govern now are relevant interpretations made by the Grand Justice on this issue. There are numerous academic studies but most of them concentrate on analyses of individual cases. Considering the fact that the effect of judicial interpretations is a complicated issue and no systematic study has ever been made, this article thus aims at conducting systematic inspections on the subject so as to lead concerned professionals to detect the underlying structure. The main purpose of writing is thus to lay out a legal framework for the analyses of theories as well as practice regarding the effect of judicial interpretations. Contextual analyses on legal transplantation will also be adopted to help with explanations. On the other hand, in 2013 the Grand Justice proposed an amendment draft of the 〞Law to Govern the Disposition of Cases by the Grand Justice〞. This article will also discuss on the added provisions governing the effect of judicial interpretations so as to give a full picture.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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