


Recovery of the Owner's Non-Pecuniary Loss and Its Limitation When Companion Animals Are Wrongful Damaged


陳汝吟(Ju-Yin Chen)


侵權行為 ; 人格權 ; 情感利益 ; 慰撫金 ; 損害賠償 ; 陪伴動物 ; 寵物 ; torts ; personal rights ; sentimental value ; recovery of non-pecuniary loss ; compensation ; companion animal ; pet




30卷3期(2019 / 01 / 01)


45 - 96






The sentimental value ties that owners feel towards their companion animals in modern society. This article review comparative legislation and judicial practices from Swiss and Japanese Civil Code, as well as substantial changes in the U.S. in recent years. To ensure the justice in compensation, I'll bring up proposals for reasonable interpretation of Article 195 "wrongfully damaged in a severe way", which is in accordance with tort purposes and allow for damages for their genuine mental anguish; meanwhile, I'll line the requirements with the concept of pets, burden of proof, and offender's Intentional or gross negligence Infliction. This may not only meet the society's expectations but also facilitate legal research and legislative action.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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