


Moderate legalization to help suicide and active death assistance


林東茂(Dong-Mao Lin)


幫助自殺 ; 受請求殺人 ; 病人自主權利法 ; 安寧緩和醫療條例 ; 死亡協助 ; suicide-assisted ; homicide upon request ; Hospice Palliative Care Act ; Patient Right to Autonomy Act




31卷1期(2019 / 07 / 01)


53 - 89






According to the Hospice Palliative Care Act and the Patient Right to Autonomy Act of ROC, the medical institution or physician in particular circumstances might could assist terminal illness patients who suffer from serious injury or illness to terminate their lives. However, the medical institution or physician could simply help terminal illness patients terminating lives in a passive way rather than in an active way. Otherwise, the medical institution or physician may commit a crime regulated in the Article 275 of the Criminal Code of ROC, which is also called "the Assistant Suicide Crime." To put it another way, it's necessary to rebuild the main idea of the Assistant Suicide Crime in the Article 275 of the Criminal Code of ROC, while concerning about the possibility of actively assisting those who suffering from serious illness to terminate their lives without committing a crime. Mentioning how to amend the main content of the Article 275 of the Criminal Code of ROC, judicial professional viewpoints particularly from Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany are the important materials to discussing. At the same time, referring to the death issue, the religious perspective, such as Christian and Buddhism, is surely the required food for thought in this thesis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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