


A Study on Non-compete Clause : The Analysis on Elements and Legal Effect of Labor Standards Act Article 9-1


邱羽凡(Yu-Fan Chiu);劉哲鯤(Che-Kun Liu)


勞動基準法第9條之一 ; 離職後競業禁止 ; 正當營業利益 ; 合理範疇 ; 藍鉛筆原則 ; 紅鉛筆原則 ; Labor Standards Act Article 9-1 ; Non-compete Clause ; Reasonable ; Compensation ; Blue Pencil Rule ; Red Pencil Rule




32卷1期(2020 / 07 / 01)


1 - 39






To maintain competitiveness, employers will ask employees to sign non-compete clauses obligating employees not to do the same or similar job in specific period and area after resignation. Since the non-compete clause will harm the employee's right to work, on December 16th 2015, the Labor Standards Act Article 9-1 (Art9-1) was enacted to stipulate the criteria for the validity of non-compete clause balancing both employers' and employees' right and interests. Although the criteria of this article is almost the same as past judicial review, the content of the criteria is different. That is, despite that the period of business strife limitation (shall not be more than two years) and the reasonable compensation (which should be paid by the employer), the scope of protection for employers' proper business interests, and the criteria of the reasonable period, area and occupational activities are still controversial. Therefore, this article will first analyze disputes arising from criteria and elaborate why the protection of trade secrets is not the only purposes of non-compete clauses. Second, the article elaborates the validity of the non-compete clause which doesn't meet the elements of Article 9-1, and analyzes pros and cons of applying blue pencil rule, red pencil rule and equitable reformation doctrine in Taiwan. Through the analysis, the legal effect of violating Article 9-1 should be "a part of a juridical act is void, the whole juridical act is void." Finally, the article introduces Article 74a of German Commercial Code, stipulating the legal effect can be "invalid" or "valid but no legal binding," so employees can not only choose to follow the unreasonable non-compete clauses or not, but also let the employees trusting the clauses could be compensated reasonably by employers. Thus, employers' competitiveness could be maintained and worker's right to work can also be guaranteed in a reasonable manner.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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