


Viability of the Rule of Exhaustion in the Use of Blockchain Technology to Digital Works Transactions-Take E-book as an Example


林利芝(Li-Chih, Lin)


電子書 ; 區塊鏈 ; 權利耗盡規定 ; 數位著作物 ; 重製權 ; 散布權 ; e-books ; Blockchain ; the rule of exhaustion ; digital works ; reproduction right ; distribution right




33卷2期(2021 / 10 / 01)


1 - 34




根據權利耗盡規定,如果電子書使用者僅是有權近用閱覽電子書,該使用者是無權限隨意交易,但是電子書所有人能否自由進行電子書二手交易,則意見分歧。數位著作物交易之契約定性是「授權」或是「買賣」,基於轉售目的透過網路傳輸數位著作物有無構成重製權侵害,以及透過網路傳輸數位著作物究竟是屬於「散布權」或「公開傳達權」範疇,一再引起討論。2018年美國聯邦第二巡迴上訴法院在Capitol Records, LLC v. ReDigi Inc.案和2019年12月歐盟法院Nederlands Uitgeversverbond and Groep Algemene Uitgevers v. Tom Kabinet Internet BV and Others案針對前述問題表示意見,殊值重視。區塊鏈技術問世後,許多數位著作物也開始出現利用區塊鏈交易的型態,所以本文首先試圖彙整美國、歐盟對於數位著作物交易能否適用權利耗盡規定,或是有無承認數位權利耗盡規定之見解。其次再從區塊鏈技術切入探討有無作為科技保護措施解決數位著作物易於重製、源頭不易追蹤等問題之可能性。最終本文結論是,為了落實我國著作權法立法目的,秉持對價衡平法理,若能利用區塊鏈技術管控數位著作物之散布,以及透過加諸電子書所有人非法重製防阻協力義務,保護著作權人利益之同時,承認權利耗盡規定適用於數位著作物之散布,無損著作權人的其他專有權利。


According to the rule of exhaustion, if e-book users are only licensed to read e-books, they are not authorized to sell them at will. But whether e-book owners can freely sell their secondhand e-books, opinions are divided. Thus, whether the contractual nature of digital works transactions is license or sale, and whether the transmission of digital works through the internet for resale purposes constitutes an infringement of the reproduction right, and whether the transmission of digital works through the internet falls into the right of distribution or the right of communication to the public have caused hot debates. In 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Capitol Records, LLC v. ReDigi Inc. and the European Court of Justice in Nederlands Uitgeversverbond and Groep Algemene Uitgevers v Tom Kabinet Internet BV and Others in December 2019 expressed their valuable judicial opinions on the aforementioned issues. With the advent of Blockchain technology, many digital works hav e begun to trade on Blockchain. Therefore, this paper first attempts to summarize whether the United States and the European Union apply the rule of exhaustion to digital works transactions, or whether they recognize the rule of digital exhaustion. Secondly, from the perspective of Blockchain technology, this paper will explore the possibility of using Blockchain technology as Technological Protection Measures to solve the problems of easy reproduction of digital works and difficult traceability of the source. The final conclusion of this paper is that, in order to implement the legislative intent of copyright law in Taiwan and uphold the principle of fair remuneration, if Blockchain technology can be used to control the distribution of digital works and to protect copyright by imposing e-book owners obligations to prevent illegal reproduction, the rule of exhaustion should be recognized and applied to the transmission of digital works through the internet without prejudice to other exclusive rights of cop yright owners.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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