


Study of staggered on Reviewing-period and Cooling-off period--Focus Attention on the Amended Draft of Insurance Act article 55-1


何瑞富(Ruey-Fu, Ho)


消費者 ; 金融消費者 ; 定型化契約 ; 通訊交易 ; 訪問交易 ; 審閱期 ; 猶豫期 ; 保險法 ; Standard Contracts ; Special Transactions ; Distance Sales ; Door-to-door Sales ; Insurance Act




33卷2期(2021 / 10 / 01)


35 - 63




我國為了保護消費者之權益,於1994年特別制定了消費者保護法,其中以定型化契約及特種交易的規定,更是有別於民法一般契約之規定,定型化契約規範的重點在審閱期之賦與,特種交易部分則為猶豫期的強制規定。為了保護金融消費者之權益,更於2011年制定公布了金融消費者保護法,進一步將審閱期及猶豫期改採所謂之KYC(Know Your Customer)及適合度原則與提供正確資訊代替之,保險契約之直接主管機關保險局則又於最近提案修正保險法第55條之1,將消保法及金消法所採行之審閱期、猶豫期、KYC(Know Your Customer)及適合度原則與提供正確資訊,並結合目前的行政指導及業界做法,做了重新整合後,提出了新的解決方案。由於新的解決方案涉及實務及法律爭議,並直間接影響消費者權益,乃為本文探討之,期能確保消費者權益。


In order to protect the legal right of mass consumers, the Consumer Protect Act was enacted in 1994. The most important contents were "Standard contracts" and Special Transactions which includes "Distance sales" and "Door-to-door sales". Traders shall provide a reasonable period, not longer than 30 days, for consumers to review all contract clauses, before entering into a standard contract, and Consumers of distance sales or door-to-door sales may return the goods or rescind the contract in writing within 7 days upon receipt of goods or services without stating the reasons or be responsible for any expenses or costs, except in the case of distance sales with reasonable matters. Howerer, another Financial Consumer Protection Act was enacted in 2011, The most important rules adopted were quite different from those in the Consumer Protect Act, it rules: the financial services enterprise shall fully understand the information pertaining to the financial consumer in order to ascertain the suitability of those products or services to the financial consumer and what "information pertaining to the financial consumer" must be fully understood and what matters relating to "suitability" must be taken into account. Recently the competent authorities of Insurance Act propose legal amendment article 55-1, it is necessary to explain and compare the 3 Acts. So to ensure the consumers right.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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