


The Basic Principles of Legal Labor-dispute Activities and the Concretization of Legal Requirements of Labor-Dispute Activities


林炫秋(Hsien-Chiu Lin)


勞資爭議處理法第55條第1項 ; 德國勞資爭議法 ; 勞方爭議行為合法要件 ; 誠實信用原則 ; 權利不得濫用原則 ; 比例原則 ; 罷工權 ; 支援性罷工(同情罷工) ; 政治罷工 ; 和諧義務 ; 罷工糾察線 ; 圍堵廠場 ; 占據廠場 ; 杯葛 ; paragraph 1 to article 55 of the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes ; Labor Management Disputes Law in Germany (Arbeitskampfrecht) ; legal requirements of labor-dispute activities ; the principle of good faith ; the principle of prohibition of abuse of rights ; the principle of proportionality ; right to strike ; sympathy strike ; political strike ; peaceful duty ; Picketing lines ; block the factory ; occupy the factory ; boycotting




34卷1期(2022 / 07 / 01)


143 - 207






Paragraph 1 to Article 55 of the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes (the Act) provides that " Dispute activities shall be undertaken in good faith and based on the principle of the vested rights that shall not be abused. "This is the basic principle that applies to all dispute activities. Labor-dispute activities impede business operations by labor unions or the majority of laborers in the process or state of the labor dispute to accomplish their objectives, respectively. As the inherent limitation of exercising rights, the principle of good faith is a superordinate concept to the principle of prohibition of abuse of rights. To determine whether it constitutes an abuse of rights requires a "comparative weighing of legal interests," which is similar to determining the principle of proportionality. The principle of proportionality could concretize good faith and the prohibition of abuse of rights. It could be the standard for determining the legality of labor-dispute activities. The labor-dispute activities must be suitable in aims and necessary in means, and the harm caused by the activities to the rights of others must not be disproportionate. The legal requirements of labor-dispute activities could be specified by the principle regulation of Article 55(1) of the Act into four aspects: 1. The lawful subjects: The labor must not be prohibited from striking; the strike must be led by the labor union; 2.The lawful aims: It is not necessary to conclude a collective agreement; the activities could be undertaken for any labor dispute that is not a right dispute; sympathy strike is suitable if it is aimed at resolving non-rights labor disputes related to oneself; a political strike relates to labor conditions or economic conditions has a suitable aim ; the labor-dispute activities could not be aimed at impeding with the existence of a collective agreement. 3. Lawful procedures: The labor-dispute activities shall be preceded by mediation; during the period of mediation and arbitration, the labor union must maintain peaceful duty; strikes and picketing line should be approved by more than half of all members of the labor union; the union must indicate to the employer when the strike will begin and when it will end. 4. Lawful means: Picketing lines should be lawful if they do not infringe on the bodies and lives of others; it is legal to temporarily block the factory or occupy the factory for the aim of labor disputes; boycotting to improve labor conditions should also be lawful.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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