


Preliminary Study on the Framework of Participatory Public Administration


陳淳文(Chwen-Wen Chen)


奧爾胡斯公約 ; 環境影響評估 ; 參與行政 ; 公眾參與 ; 群眾抗爭 ; 民主行政 ; 行政權民主化 ; Arahus Convention ; Environmental impact assessment ; Participatory public administration ; Public participation ; Popular protest ; Democratic public administration ; Democratization of executive power




34卷4期(2023 / 04 / 01)


63 - 117






In recent times, there has been a worldwide trend toward increased popular protest movements against administrative decisions. The call for democratization of administrative power is getting stronger and stronger. In order to resolve public grievances and consolidate the ruling power, the idea of involvement of the public in the affairs and decisions of public administration is frequently referred to as public participation or participative administration. In this article, we try to define the concept of public participation and its typology. Furthermore, the functions that public participation could perform and its institutional limitations. Through the analysis of administrative practices and judicial judgements in the domain of environmental impact assessment and urban planning in Taiwan, this article proposes the basic requirements and background conditions for establishing a good public participation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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