


The baseball stadium Proprietors' liabilities derived by the foul ball or other things that hurts the spectators


鄭瑞健(Jui-Chien Cheng)


棒球準則 ; 自甘冒險 ; 場所主人 ; 侵權行為 ; 注意義務 ; 比較過失 ; 固有風險 ; 免責規範 ; 邀請人與受邀人法則 ; 棒球 ; baseball rule ; assumption of risk ; stadium proprietors ; torts ; duty of care ; comparative negligence ; inherent risk ; no-duty-rule ; invitor-invitee principle ; baseball




34卷4期(2023 / 04 / 01)


119 - 183






The development of professional sports always comes with the involvement of fans, and the most direct and passionate way to support these sports is to visit the game. If, however, the spectator gets hurt in the stadium, it needs to strike a balance between the development of the industries and the interests of the spectators to decide the scope of the owners' liabilities. Professional baseball is the most significant professional sports industry in Taiwan, so this article focuses on the liability of the baseball stadium owners by examining the "Baseball Rules," interpreted over hundred years by the common law of the United States-the origin of the baseball, to transplant a directive that fit in the social and legal environment of Taiwan. This directive is ambitious to be the primary reference for the courts of Taiwan to review this sort of case.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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