


A Study of Church-State Relations in Germany


張永明(Yeong-Ming Chang)


政教合一 ; 政教分離 ; 政教協定 ; 補充性原則 ; 友善互助行動 ; Caesaropapism ; The segregation of state and religion ; The agreement between state and religion ; The principle of complementarity ; The action of friendship and mutual assistance




35卷1期(2023 / 07 / 01)


1 - 32






Germany has a long historical tradition of Caesaropapism with respect to the Roman Catholic Church. Today, the Church maintains its own complex system of laws and a hierarchical organization. With the founding of the Weimar Republic in 1918, the national constitution adopted in 1919 provided that there should be no state church but guaranteed freedom of religion. The state government followed a principle of complementarity and signed various political and religious agreements with the Church to protect Church property while supporting Christian churches generally through a church tax (Kirchensteuer) and various payments covering social services provided by the Church (schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc.) Under the protection of the German Basic Law, other religions also enjoy the same privileges granted to Christians. According to Article 4: "Freedom of faith and of conscience, and freedom to profess a religious or philosophical creed, shall be inviolable." In general, church-state relations in Germany are not strictly segregated, but only moderately separated. There are areas of independent determination as well as points of common interests as well. Mainly, in the spirit of harmony, friendship, and mutual assistance, through the German Basic Law the state seeks to provide believers and the public in general with the positive benefits of social welfare.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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