


The Impacts of Compensation Equity and Empowerment on Organizational Commitment




陳惠芳(Huei-Fang Chen);洪嘉徽(Chia-Hwei Hung)


薪酬公平 ; 賦權 ; 組織承諾 ; Compensation Equity ; Empowerment ; Organizational Commitment




52期(2006 / 03 / 01)


235 - 261




公平是薪酬制度設計的基本要素;在薪酬管理的研究上,許多研究指出薪酬公平的重要性與影響力。賦權係指提升員工自主決策的權力,過去研究指出,賦權可以提升員工內在激勵,進而提高員工對組織的承諾。認知評價理論指出,工作本身之內在酬償會因外在酬償的加入而降低整體的內在激勵效果。本研究依據並延伸此觀點,認為外在酬償之不足可藉由內在酬償之提升來強化激勵作用。 本研究以問卷調查及便利取樣方式,收集台商在大陸企業之台籍與大陸籍員工共二百人資料作實證,探討員工知覺薪酬公平與賦權對組織承諾之影響。實證結果顯示,員工知覺薪酬公平對組織承諾具有顯著影響,員工賦權對組織承諾也具有顯著影響,而且員工知覺薪酬公平與賦權之交互作用對組織承諾呈現顯著影響;再進一步分析此交互作用之影響,發現賦權程度較高之員工,其知覺薪酬公平對組織承諾之影響程度顯然低於賦權程度較低之員工;換言之,當員工賦權程度較低時,員工知覺薪酬公平對組織承諾之影響程度較高。本文最後提出研究結果之學術與管理涵意及未來研究建議。


In the researches of compensation management, equity is the basic element in pay system design. Compensation is regarded as an extrinsic rewards. Empowerment is defined as increased intrinsic task motivation manifested in a set of four cognitions reflecting an individual's orientation to one's work role. Based on this perspective, it is inferred that the effects of extrinsic rewards (such as perception of pay unfairness) on commitments toward organizations can be influenced by intrinsic rewards (such as empowerment). With a questionnaire survey of 200 employees of Taiwan's enterprises operating in Mainland China, empirical evidences revealed that employees' perceptions of compensation equity and empowerment significantly influenced their organizational commitments respectively. In addition, there exists an interaction effect of compensation equity and empowerment on organizational commitment. It is showed that the impact of employees' perceptions of compensation equity on organizational commitment is moderated by employees' perceptions of empowerment. Lastly, the academy and management implications of this research are interpreted and some suggestions for future studies are recommended.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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