


The Relationships between Board Structure and Firm Performance-And the Influence of Family Control in Taiwan Listed Company




廖秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Liao);李建然(Jan-Zan Lee);吳祥華(Shyang-Hua Wu)


公司治理 ; 獨立董監事 ; 董事會結構 ; 公司績效 ; 家族控制 ; corporate governance ; independent directors/supervisors ; board structure ; firm performance ; family control




54期(2006 / 09 / 01)


117 - 160






This study examines the link between the board structure of listed companies in Taiwan and corporate performance, and look into whether different control pattern among many listed companies in Taiwan would have influence such relationship. With complete and detailed information on corporate directors and supervisors disclosed in the annual report from 2001, this study was able to measure more objectively and accurately the board composition and other board structure variables by criteria for independence, examine in depth the link between the board structure and corporate performance, and thereby, render the empirical results more relevant. The evidence indicates the relationships between the board structure and firm performance are overall influenced by whether the board is family-controlled. In familycontrolled firms, it is found: (1) the ownership mechanism and outside (or independent) directors limits the functions. (2) When the chairman of the firm is also its president or the bigger the board size, the firm performance is poorer. The board members of a familycontrolled firm are highly educated have positive effect on firm performance. However, in the case of non-family-controlled firms, it is found: (1) the shareholding of directors, in particular the shareholding of inside directors, have positive effect on firm performance. (2) the appointment of outside or independent directors help improve firm performance, in particular if such director has management experience or legal background or expertise.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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