


Organizational Innovation, Psychological Safety Perception, and Firm Performance: Commercial Banks in Taiwan as Example




汪美伶(Mei-Ling Wang);李山田(Shan-Tien Lee)


組織創新 ; 心理安全 ; 組織績效 ; Organizational Innovation ; Psychological Safety Perception ; Firm Performance




59期(2007 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27






The banking industry in Taiwan has undergone dramatic changes for decades. Facingfierce competition, bankers are forced to provide new financial commodities and solutions tocustomers' problems so as to increase customers' value. Traditional innovation literature has proven the positive relationships between organizational innovation and firm performance; however, psychological safety perception has been, up to now, scarcely treated in studies on organizational innovation. Thus, this paper aims to clarify the critical role of psychological safety perception in promoting the effects of organizational innovation. This study of 556 employees in 22 commercial banks of Taiwan examines the relationships among organizational innovation, psychological safety perception, and firm performance. Results show that psychological safety perception was positively related to firm performance and moderated the relation between organizational innovation and firm performance. The findings point to the importance of employee participation, safe work environment, and investment in skill development during the process of organizational innovation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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