


A Study on Customer Relationship Proneness and Relationship Quality: Both Technology Infusion and Consumer Service Involvement as Moderators




方世榮(Shyh-Rong Fang);陳連勝(Lien-Sheng Chen);張雅婷(Ya-Ting Chang)


關係傾向 ; 關係品質 ; 科技介入 ; 服務涉入 ; Relationship Proneness ; Relationship Quality ; Technology Infusion ; Service Involvement




60期(2008 / 03 / 01)


1 - 38




本研究從人際觀點出發,延伸Gutek、Bhappu、Liao-Troth 及Cherry(1999)等學者所提出的服務關係型態概念,探討顧客的關係傾向對於關係品質的影響。本研究亦將服務接觸傳遞中的科技介入程度和消費者對服務的涉入程度納入干擾變項。本研究挑選一般消費者常接觸的銀行、保險和證券服務,利用便利抽樣進行問卷調查。實證分析結果發現:(1)當顧客願意建立關係的傾向越高時,所獲得的關係品質也越高;(2)科技介入程度有助於認知性信任及滿意度的提昇;(3)當顧客對服務具有較高度涉入時,其所感受到的認知性信任、情感性信任和滿意度都會有顯著地提昇。最後,本研究針對研究發現進行討論,並針對研究限制與後續研究方向提出建議。


From the view of personal interaction, the research extends the concept of Service Relationships Types and studies the influence of relationship proneness on relationship quality. In addition, the study adds technology infusion and consumer involvement to be moderators. The study targets at customers who accept bank, insurance or stock services, and conducts questionnaires survey by convenience sampling. The results reveal: The more customers want to establish relationship, the higher relationship quality they have. Technology infusion will be raised customers' cognitive trust and satisfation. When customers have higher involvement, their cognitive trust, affective trust and satisfaction will be increased. The implications of these findings will discuss and the limitations of the study as wll as future research directions will address.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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