


Exploring Effects of Experiential Marketing on Cultural-Theme Products




江義平(I-Ping Chiang);李怡璇(Yi-Hsuan Li);江亦瑄(Yi-Hsuan Chiang)


體驗行銷 ; 消費行為 ; 品牌忠誠度 ; 文化主題商品 ; 幾米 ; Experiential Marketing ; Consumer Behavior ; Brand Loyalty ; Cultural-Theme Products ; Jimmyspa




60期(2008 / 03 / 01)


67 - 103




本研究旨在探討消費者使用文化主題商品的體驗形式,並探究體驗效果對消費者態度及品牌忠誠度上之影響。本研究以幾米品牌商品為例,根據「體驗行銷」、「消費行為」以及「品牌忠誠度」等理論基礎發展觀念性研究架構及問卷,試圖探究文化主題商品體驗行銷所產生之效果。針對152位使用幾米品牌商品消費者為研究樣本,藉由本研究所建立之衡量模型(包括兩個外因潛在變項:知覺體驗與心靈體驗;及五個內因潛在變項:認知、情感、品牌迷戀、品牌轉換與受他人影響),使用驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)針對整體模式進行分析及假設檢定。主要發現如下:「知覺」體驗與「心靈」體驗對於態度的「認知」與「情感」層面有顯著正向影響;而「認知」與「情感」層面對於消費行為中之「品牌迷戀」與「受他人影響」有顯著正向影響,但對「品牌轉換」行為有顯著負向影響,實證研究發現體驗行銷確實對文化主題商品的消費行為產生顯著的影響。最後,本文根據研究結果,提出理論與實務應用的結論與建議。


This research aims to explore types of experiences and their effects on consumer attitude and brand loyalty. By using Jimmy's theme products as an example, this research develops the conceptual framework and questionnaires to investigate the impacts of experiential marketing on culture-theme products, based on relevant experiential marketing theories, consumer behavior, and brand loyalty. The proposed measuring model in this research encompasses two exogenous constructs, sensation and mind experience, as well as five endogenous constructs, cognition, emotion, brand switching, brand fascination, and external influence. To test our hypotheses, the proposed measuring model analyzed a pool of 152 sample users of Jimmy's theme products by applying confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. The results show that sensation and mind experience have a significantly positive influence on consumer cognition and emotion. In addition, consumer cognition and emotion have a marked positive effect on consumer brand fascination and external influence, but a noted inverse effect on consumer brand switching. These findings show that experiential marketing has significant effects on consuming culture-theme products. Finally, based on the study results, this research came up with theoretical and managerial implications and suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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