
On Relationship Needs and Development for Enhancing a Customer's Satisfaction in the Service Sector






陳澤義(Tser-Yieth Chen);張保隆(Pao-Long Chang);劉祥熹(Hsiang-Hsi Liu);葉晶雯(Ching-Wen Yeh)


關係需求 ; 關係發展方案 ; 關係滿意 ; 關係發展階段 ; 顧客關係管理 ; relationship development activities ; relationship needs ; relationship satisfaction ; relationship stage ; customer relationship management




67期(2009 / 12 / 01)


107 - 137






This study examines the causal relationships of relationship development activities, relationship needs, and relationship satisfaction in the service sector. A sample of 982 respondents was drawn from customers in the nine high contact service industries in Taipei city. Empirical Results show that the gaps between relationship development activities and relationship needs strongly predict degree of relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, relationship stages and the gap between relationship development activities and relationship needs simultaneously affect relationship satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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