


The Role of HPWS Between Transformational Leadershipand the Performance of HR Professionals: Themoderating Effect of Multilevel Perspective




廖良文(Liang-Wen Liao);林文政(Wen-Jen Lin)


轉換型領導 ; 高績效工作系統 ; 人力資源管理措施 ; HLM ; 工作績效 ; transformational leadership ; HPWS ; HRM practices ; HLM ; performance




73期(2011 / 06 / 01)


29 - 66






The major purpose of this study is using the multilevel perspective to examine the moderated effect of HPWS between the transformational leadership of the supervisors and the performance of the professionals of Human Resource of the public officers of R.O.C. The results shows that transformational leadership contribute to higher performance. The results also suggests that there is a positively contextual impact of HPWS on the performance of the professionals. In addition, the HRM practices of selective staffing, extensive training, job security, and empowerment have the most notable effects. While using slopes-as-outcomes model, we found that the HPWS has cross-level moderating effect on the relationship between the transformational leadership of the supervisors and the performance of the HR professionals, especially the factor of empowerment. Several explanations are offers for the basis of further studies and practical uses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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