


How Does a Leader Encourage Work Role Performance: Directive or Empowering Leadership


童惠玲(Hui-Ling Tung);陳玉蘭(Yu-Lan Chen)


指示領導 ; 授權領導 ; 熟練性角色績效 ; 前瞻性角色績效 ; 團隊正向心情 ; directive leadership ; empowering leadership ; proficiency ; proactivity ; team ; positive mood




92期(2016 / 06 / 01)


57 - 97




路徑-目標理論試圖配適出指示或授權領導對團隊成員熟練性和前瞻性角色績效的影響,本研究所提供醫療服務業展現了一個有趣的例子,用來說明在團隊正向心情邊際條件下,領導者如何考量特定風格因素以引出本身領導,來鼓勵成員工作角色績效。從跨層次觀點來看,樣本收集來自於醫療服務業94組醫療團隊(282 位醫護成員),採用雙重資料來源跨期研究法(成員評量團隊領導者之領導行為與己身的正向心情,而團隊領導者評量成員之工作角色績效),在三個不同的時間點進行測量,用以檢驗團隊正向心情在領導行為與工作角色績效間之調節效果。跨層次階層線性模型研究發現,主效果檢視出個人層次中指示領導與授權領導兩者皆提升成員前瞻性角色績效,唯授權領導抑制了成員熟練性角色績效;而團隊層次中正向心情調節授權領導對團隊成員熟練性角色績效之間的關係,當團隊成員處在高正向心情氛圍時,授權領導強化了團隊成員熟練性角色績效。


A path-goal theory of leadership attempts to match the impacts of directive or empowering leadership on proficiency and proactive role performance. The medical service organization we profile provided an interesting example of how leaders considered elements of a particular style to guide their own leadership to encourage work role performance in the boundary conditions of team positive mood for their member. Drawing on a cross-level sample of 94 medical teams (282 team members) was from medical service organization. In this study, constructs with different sources (e.g., member rated their team leader's leadership behavior and his own positive mood, while leaders rated members’ work performance) in order to reduce the possibility of same source bias were measured. To enhance the clarity of the causal relationship among variables of the present study, questionnaires were distributed at three time points. The moderating effect of positive mood in team level on generally well established relationships between leadership behavior and work role performance in individual level were examined. Results of tests for main effects demonstrated that both directive and empowering leadership increased team member proactive behaviors, but only empowering leadership decreased task proficiency. Examination of boundary conditions revealed that empowering leadership enhanced proficiency performance for member that was more team positive mood.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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