


The Relationships among Mobile Social Communication Apps, Relational Maintaining in Parent-Adolescent and Family Satisfaction


賴明政(Ming-Cheng Lai);陳佳君(Jia-Jyun Chen)


社會臨場感 ; 媒介豐富度 ; 親子關係維持行為 ; 家庭滿意 ; 涉入程度 ; Social Presence ; Media Richness ; Relational Maintaining in Parent-Adolescent Relationship ; Family Satisfaction ; Involvement




93期(2016 / 12 / 01)


53 - 91




近年來行動科技技術快速發展,行動裝置已經變成生活中不可或缺的重要工具。「你今天WhatsApp 了嗎?」、「那你再LINE 給我」已成為日常生活中經常可聽見的人際互動用詞,從這些語言使用的微妙變化,可發現行動通訊應用軟體已融入使用者生活中,並在某種程度上改變人們互動與溝通的方式。本研究藉由使用者的觀點,探討行動通訊應用軟體溝通特質、親子關係維持行為以及家庭滿意間的關聯性以及涉入程度對行動通訊應用軟體溝通特質與親子關係維持行為的影響。經結構方程模式分析發現行動通訊應用軟體溝通特質中社會臨場感與媒介豐富度對親子關係維持行為有正向顯著的影響,而親子關係維持行為對家庭滿意亦呈正向影響;另發現社會臨場感與媒介豐富度對家庭滿意亦呈現顯著的正向影響。在親子關係維持行為中,本研究也發現爭議處理行為對開放行為有顯著正向影響;開放行為對保證行為亦呈現顯著正向影響;另也證實涉入程度在社會臨場感與媒介豐富度對親子關係維持行為之間具有正向的調節作用。


With the development of mobile technology, mobile devices play important roles in people's daily life. In these days, sentences like "Did you WhatsApp today?" and "Just Line me." have become daily conversation while interacting with one another. By noticing these subtle changes, we can found out that mobile devices have gradually integrated into users' life. These even change the way people interact in some aspects. This study aims to investigate the connections among characteristics of mobile social communication Apps, rational maintaining in parent-adolescent relationship and family satisfaction in researcher's perspective by using SEM. It found out that social presence and media richness in mobile social Apps have positive and significant effects on maintaining parent-adolescent relationship. Maintaining parent-adolescent relationship also has positive influences on family satisfaction. Moreover, social presence and media richness have positive influence on family satisfaction. This study also found out that openness has positive influence on conflict management and assurance. Furthermore, this study proves that involvements in social presence and media richness have positive effect on moderating parent-adolescent relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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