In this paper, we examine the market price differences of agriculture souvenirs. In the model, we made three key assumptions. First, all consumers are fully informed with all possible market transactions. Second, some consumers enjoy shopping experiences in various tourist attractions. Third, the agriculture souvenir manufacturers perform Cournot competition both in the tourist market and in the metropolitan market. Our results indicate that, when consumers' joy of shopping agriculture souvenirs at tourist attractions is lower than the cost of shipping the same products to the marketplace in a metropolitan area, the equilibrium market price at the tourist market is always lower than that of the market in a metro area. However, when consumers' joy of shopping agriculture souvenirs at tourist attractions is higher than the cost of shipping the same products to the marketplace in a metropolitan area, large (small) number of souvenir manufacturers cause the market price at the tourist market is lower (higher) than that of the market in a metro area. Market competition shall affect the market price differences of agriculture souvenirs among markets.
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