


The Relationship Between Technology Uncertainty, Job Insecurity, and Job Stress: Boundaryless Career as a Moderator


陳欣琪(Hsin-Chi Chen);蔣娉華(Pin-Hua Chiang);劉念琪(Nien-Chi Liu)


科技不確定性 ; 工作不安全感 ; 工作壓力 ; 無疆界職涯傾向 ; Technology Uncertainty ; Job Insecurity ; Job Stress ; Boundaryless Career




96期(2018 / 06 / 01)


67 - 97






This study is aimed at the empirical research on the financial industry practitioners, and the purpose is to investigate whether the uncertainty caused by the technology progress affects employees job insecurity, examine the relationship between individuals' career intention and job insecurity, and further explore how technology uncertainty affects job stress perception through the job insecurity. Through the questionnaire survey, 152 questionnaires were obtained from January to February in 2017. With hierarchical regression analysis, this study examined the association between independent variable "technology uncertainty", dependent variables "job stress", moderator "job insecurity" and interference variable "boundaryless career". The results suggested that technology uncertainty has positive correlation both of job insecurity and job stress. There is also an intermediary effect of job insecurity between technology uncertainty and job stress. Only physical mobility of boundaryless career, has a negative interference effect on job insecurity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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