


Exploring Users' Social Information Behavior on Fixed and Mobile Devices


江義平(I-Ping Chiang);楊絜雲(Jie-Yun Yang);江孟璇(Meng-Hsuan Chiang)


社群資訊行為 ; 網路探勘 ; 點擊流資料 ; 固定及行動裝置 ; Social Information Behavior,Web usage Mining ; Clickstream Data ; Fixed and Mobile Devices




96期(2018 / 06 / 01)


99 - 116




近年來上網已成為現代人不可或缺的行為,而社群網路服務的興起,使得社群網站瀏覽行為也成為人們重要的資訊行為之一。固定裝置可能包括電腦以及筆記型電腦,而行動裝置則主要以智慧型手機為主,但可能也涵蓋平版,在過去研究部分,以往較少針對2種裝置進行比較,因此本研究以Facebook做為研究核心,透過蒐集連續3個月使用者的點擊流資料(clickstream data)來進行網路使用者社群資訊行為探勘研究。資料分析以取得之點擊流資料後,以使用者為中心(user-centric)進行分析,首先以24小時瀏覽量比較固定裝置及行動裝置之間的關係,接著透過單變量變異數分析性別、年齡以及時間之間的交互關係。最後透過分析結果針對各社群經營者、行銷人員以及研究者提出建議與後續研究之參考。


Surfing the web has become an indispensable behavior. Because of their recent surge in popularity, social network services have become a primary source of people's information behavior. This study used Facebook as the core site to analyze fixed and mobile users' social information behavior by collecting three months of clickstream data. Fixed devices included computers or laptops. The primary mobile devices were smartphones, but some tablets were also included. The user-centric approach was conducted for 24 hours, and ANOVA was used to explore the interactions of gender, age, and time period. The findings of this study provide a stepping stone for marketers and researchers to understand user information behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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