


How does YouTuber influence viewers' willingness to adopt information?-Establish a model through multiple theoretical viewpoints


謝錦堂(Chin-Tang Hsieh);林佩儀(Pay-Yi Lin)


YouTuber ; 社會影響 ; 推敲可能性模型 ; 創新行為 ; 資訊採用意願 ; YouTuber ; Social Influences ; Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) ; Innovativeness ; Adoption Intentions




105期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 36






This study integrated multiple theories to explore the interactive relationship between YouTuber and viewers. Specifically used the theories of "Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)", "Social inference model (SIM)" and "Social Identity Theory (SIT)" to propose a test model by conceptualizing how YouTuber influences consumer information decision behavior. This study used quasi-experiment method to collect multivariate data and structural equation model for analysis; the results showed that YouTuber's attributes (expertise, similarity and innovativeness) and critical mass affect viewers' information adoption intentions through dual mediator (source attractiveness and information credibility) of the viewers' attitudes. In addition, this study reinforced the past discovery of nonlinear U-sharp effect between "similarities of YouTubers and viewers", "YouTuber's innovativeness" and "viewers' attitudes". Moreover, this study extended the research of information adoption decision-making and found that YouTuber's gender and age moderates the relationship between viewers' attitudes and information adoption intentions. Hopefully the result of this study can make positive contributions to later researches in marketing communication and social media, and also provides specific suggestions for marketing managers to formulate marketing promotion plans.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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