
Integrating Social Norms and Personal Norms in Gift Promotion




Tser-Yieth Chen(陳澤義);Tsai-Lien Yeh(葉彩蓮);Hsueh-Ling Wu(吳雪伶)


social norms ; personal norms ; scarcity appeal ; popularity appeal ; gift giving ; 社會規範 ; 個人規範 ; 稀缺訴求 ; 風行訴求 ; 送禮




106期(2023 / 06 / 01)


1 - 40




This study aims to find a strategy to make gift shops profitable and satisfy gift-givers, achieving a win-win situation. In particular, it attempts to integrate the position of gift-givers and marketers to develop a more suitable marketing strategy. When gift-givers go to gift shops to buy gifts, they often think about how to choose a gift. In this situation, the dependent variable of this study is perceived value. Operationally, the gift marketer factor is a type of sales promotion (scarcity and popularity appeal) that can be explained as social norms. It includes the types of givers (close and distant givers) that can be explained as personal norms and the types of gifts (conspicuous and inconspicuous gifts) which are personal norms. This study developed social norms from the gift marketer perspective and personal norms from the gift-giver perspective. Three experiments were conducted to test three hypotheses with 346, 388, and 327 participants, respectively, employing a two-factor ANCOVA. Empirical results show that popular appeal was normally more effective in reinforcing perceived value than scarcity appeal, whether conspicuous or inconspicuous gifts or close or distant givers. This finding implies that the effect on descriptive social norms (i.e. popularity appeal) is greater than injunctive social norms (i.e. scarcity appeal) in gift-giving. This study is the first to incorporate the marketer and gift-giver factors in developing a more effective gift marketing strategy and contributing to the literature on the focus theory of normative conduct (social norms and personal norms) on gift promotion.



主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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