


A Study on the Freshman English Remedial Program That Employs Blended-Teaching/Learning




余綺芳(Chi-Fang Yu)


補救教學 ; 線上學習 ; 混成式教學/學習 ; 非英文系的大一英文課程 ; 教學助理 ; 學習成效 ; remedial program ; online learning ; blended teaching/learning ; Freshman English Course for Non-Majors ; teaching assistants ; learning outcome




26期(2008 / 03 / 01)


1 - 29




東吳大學自94學年度起將非英文系大一英文課程的學生分成低、中、高三種程度的班級上課,並使用統一教材、統一考試的方式。由於低程度同學統一考試時勢必處於劣勢,必須特別輔導以面對壓力,但囿於教室、師資有限,筆者遂利用網路環境為低程度班級同學設計了「混成式教學/學習」(blended teaching/learning)的補救措施,意即學生仍於傳統教室上課,課程內容也與中、高程度同學完全相同,但利用東吳大學的平台(http://elearn.scu.edu.tw)建置幫助同學吸收大一英文統一教材內容的學習資源。民國94學年開始,大一英文12個低程度班級總計487位同學接受了為期一年的線上補救教學,每週除教室上課外,必須上網學習2-3小時。 本篇論文旨在利用學習成效的兩個指標「學業成績」以及「滿意度」來檢驗混成式補救教學模式是否有效幫助低程度同學學習大一英文統一教材。論文首先描述此計畫案內容及工作細節。然後利用大一英文兩千餘位學生94學年度上、下學期期中、期末考試成績的建檔紀錄,比較接受補救教學的低程度與未接受補救教學的中、高程度同學的成績表現。接著提出民國95年5月針對大一英文2,217位同學實施問卷調查的結果,藉以瞭解接受補救教學的低程度同學與未接受補救教學的中、高程度同學對大一英文課程的滿意度,希望這次線上補救教學的經驗可以提供給計畫實施補救教學的學校做參考。


Starting from the 2005-2006 academic year, all Freshman English for Non-Majors students at Soochow University have been placed into one of three levels, but they are instructed with the same teaching materials and have to take standard exams for evaluation. In order to help 487 students in twelve low level classes cope with the pressure and anxiety from using standard materials and taking standard exams but not at the extra strain on teacher and classroom resources, a blended-teaching/learning program (located at http://elearn.scu.edu.tw) was developed and implemented in the 2005-2006 academic year. In addition to regular class sessions, these students were required to engage in online learning of the standard FENM course materials for 2-3 hours each week. This paper aims to examine the learning outcome of the online remedial program by using two indicators of standard exam results and satisfaction towards learning. After some preliminary remarks concerning the nature, design and application of this blended teaching/learning remedial program, the author presents the statistic of low level students' performances in the standard mid-term and final exams in the 2005-2006 academic year, in comparison to those of high and middle level students. Also the results of a survey given to 2,217 FENM students in May, 2006 will be analyzed to discern the satisfaction level between low level students who have experienced the online remedial program and high/middle level students who have not. The results indicate that low level students respond very positively toward this online program and the progress in their exam grades bears witness to their responses. It is hoped that this study can be used as a frame of reference for universities which plan to adopt online learning programs.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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