


Differences in Translating from Chinese into English among Native and non-native English Speaking Translators




董大暉(Da-Hui Dong);藍月素(Yu-Su Lan)


中譯英 ; 譯入第二語 ; 語料庫研究 ; 文本分析 ; 翻譯方向 ; 銜接 ; Chinese into English translation ; translation into the second language ; translation corpus ; text analysis ; translation directionality ; cohesion




26期(2008 / 03 / 01)


51 - 84




面對全球化的推進和文化交流的日益頻繁,中譯英的需求也隨之不斷增加;而另一方面,母語為英文且通曉中文的譯者明顯少於母語為中文通曉英文的譯者,這就造成母語為中文的譯者常常從事中譯英工作的業界現狀。然而,主流翻譯理論和翻譯業界通常認為譯者的翻譯方向(translation directionality)只應是譯入母語,是以缺乏對譯者譯入第二語的研究。中譯英的教科書也多是有關英譯中,而中譯英方面的相對較少,它們雖然對提高母語為中文譯者的翻譯品質有所助益,但往往缺乏理論依據。 本研究按照譯者翻譯的經驗取三種不同程度的譯者為研究對象。三種程度分別是:母語為中文的經驗不足之譯者(大學部高年級和研究所學生),母語為中文的專業譯者,母語為英語的專業譯者。我們由文本分析入手,採用語料庫研究方法,分析315篇由這些不同程度的譯者所翻譯的各種主題的社論型文章,提取譯文中與譯者英語寫作能力相關的15個語言學特徵,並對各層次譯者譯文中的這些語言學特徵進行量化分析和歸類,以期能夠幫助母語為中文的譯者提高譯文的可讀性及品質。


Translating into the translator's mother tongue has long been regarded as superior to translating into the translator's second language by translation researchers and practitioners. However, with China's growing global influence the demand for translation from Chinese into English has been increasing so rapidly since the 1990s that the translation market has faced a shortage of native English translators who can translate between Chinese and English. As a result, native Chinese speaking translators are frequently required to translate from Chinese into English (their second language). This presents a challenge for researchers to look at problems arising from translating into the translator's second language. The study reported in this paper investigates 15 potentially salient linguistic features extracted from a translation corpus, which consists of 315 translations produced by translators of three different translation competence levels: native Chinese speaking novice translators, native Chinese speaking experienced translators, and native English speaking experienced translators. Significant differences have been identified among the translators' work and have been discussed with due implications for translation pedagogy and practice.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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