


The Inferential Difference of Intercultural Communication




鄭加禎(Chia-Chen Cheng)


異文化溝通 ; 關連性理論 ; 推論 ; 高文脈文化VS低文脈文化理論 ; intercultural communication ; relevance ; inference ; High Context Culture v.s. Low Context Culture




27期(2008 / 09 / 01)


155 - 173




日常與人進行言語溝通時,莫非是相互談及自己的想法、感受、期待等,而這些話題的脈絡與自己周遭的環境和經驗有很深的關係。換言之,溝通是說話者與聽話者兩者間世界觀的互動過程。環境與經驗相似度越高,在溝通時聽話者越能情感移入,瞭解對方欲傳達的意圖。亦即環境差異大的雙方在溝通時容易發生誤解。而社會與家庭環境受文化的影響很大,因此學習外語時,除了聽、說、讀、寫的技能外,對該國文化的瞭解程度亦是能否順利互動的關鍵。本文主要以Sperber & Wilson (1986/1996)提出的關連性理論當中的推論的概念及Hall (1976/1979)的高文脈文化VS低文脈文化理論,來探討異文化言語溝通時,文化要素可能引起的誤解問題。


When people communicate with each other, they usually refer to ideas, feelings, or expectations of their own. In most cases, there is a close relationship between those topics and one's personal experiences and the environment involved. In other words, communication can be regarded as a process of interaction between speakers and listeners who may have completely different world view. If those two parties come from similar background, then the listener can be in empathy with the speaker and mutual understanding will be easier. For the same token, people with very different background may misunderstand each other. Because culture has significant influence upon social climate and home environments, culture study is very important for intercultural understanding. This study investigates the cause of misunderstanding in intercultural communication through the difference of inference viewpoint the author uses Sperber & Wilson's (1986/1996) Relevance theory of inferential model and Hall's (1976/1979) High Context Culture V.S. Low Context Culture theory to explain how inference effects daily communication and discusses what problems will happen when we communicate with people who have different culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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