


The Relationship between Translation Naturalness and the Choice of English Tense/Aspect and Situational Aspects of the Verb




董大暉(Da-Hui Dong);藍月素(Yu-Su Lan)


中譯英 ; 中英語料庫 ; 動詞情狀體 ; 語篇結構 ; 謂語動詞時體 ; Chinese into English Translation ; situation aspect ; tense and aspect




27期(2008 / 09 / 01)


59 - 88




譯者在從母語譯入第二語的過程中,往往會出現譯文不自然的問題。這種譯文不自然的問題是由於譯者無法精確掌握目的語中“語言團體”的期望和目的語中特定文類的約定成俗的用法所致。語意學研究發現,在目的語的規範和習慣約定中,動詞的選擇以及動詞時態、體式的選擇本身就是譯者觀點的一種表達,其目的是爲了達成譯者修辭需要;目的語為第二語的譯者與目的語是母語譯者在這種觀點的表達上存在差異,而且這種差異可能對前者譯文的自然程度產生影響。本研究旨在探討母語是中文的譯者在中譯英時譯文不自然是否與其在翻譯時所選擇的動詞情狀體以及所選擇的動詞時態、體式有關。本研究採用語料庫的量化研究方法,透過資料收集獲取127篇由母語是中文和母語是英文的專業譯者所翻譯的原文為中文的經貿領域社論型文章,建立中英平行語料庫(parallel corpus)。透過比較譯者中譯英的譯文,發現母語是中文與母語是英文的這兩類譯者在謂語動詞情狀體的選擇上存在顯著差異。另外,本研究還發現,譯者選擇時體上的差異雖然與原文語篇結構及動詞情狀體的選擇有一定關係,但同時也受到其他因素的影響。如果母語為中文的譯者認識到這些差異,從而將這種知識應用在中譯英的翻譯中,將有助於提升譯文的品質。


There are many constraints on the choice of English tense and aspect when native Chinese translators translate from Chinese into English. The major ones include English competence, the tense and aspect in the source text, the macro-structure of the source text, and the rhetorical purposes of the translator. In order to gain more understanding of the process through which the translator chooses tense and aspect, it is necessary to look at not only the frequency counting of the tense and aspect forms in the text but also the details of rhetorical purposes such as the viewpoint and communicative purposes for the translator's choice of a verb and its morphology. A parallel translation corpus consisting of 127 translations of Chinese editorials was built. Optimal Multiple Correspondence Analysis (homogeneity analysis) was then used to divide the translations into homogeneous subgroups with the results graphically displayed. The results show that situation aspect and the macro-structure of the source text are correlated with the translator's choice of English tense and aspect

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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