Kusamakura (1906) was a special novel created by Natsume Soseki during his early writing life. Basing on the hero painter's journey, it delivered a distinguishing characteristic. Soseki ever mentioned that Kusamakura was the unique one of the time because it didn't include any story or scenario. He defined it as a ”Haiku-like novel”.
The contents of Kusamakura focus on the nature-related description, escaping from personnel disputes. Its scenes are similar to those of Tao Yuan-ming's Peach-Blossom Springs (Tokagenki). After finishing Kusamakura, in the mail for friends, Soseki ever indicated: Kusamakura presented part of his outlook on the art and life. So far, many scholars tried to interpret Soseki's inner world from the art views of the West and the East, by comparing the similarities and differences of Kusamakura and Peach-Blossom Springs. Through the detailed description on ”Papaya” for observation in Kusamakura, this paper discusses the most essential part of Soseki's heart, willing to be a papaya.