The translations of children and youth literature in Taiwan are increased from year to year, but there are not enough translation critics in order to improve the quality of translation. The reason of this phenomenon is because there is no complete criticism system for the translation of the children and youth literature. This paper discusses the Chinese translations of the youth novels by Nöstlinger on basis of the translation theory from Reiß. There are four main focuses: first of all is to find out which strategies the translators applied to transfer the cross-cultural-corpus. Secondly is to examine how the cultural differences and the special social cultural backgrounds are represented in the translations. Besides, translating the special cultural vocabularies and idioms is also the one of the research main stress. At the end, this study explores whether the mediators such as the publishers, editors and translators adapt or eliminate the source text because of the different values or cultural norms between source texts and target texts. The purpose of this study expects to present some paradigms of translating and analysing the cross-cultural communication issues, and helps improve the quality of the future translation of children and youth literature.
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