
日語完成用法-te i-(ru)的使用-中文母語者與日語母語者的比較


A Study on the Perfect Meaning of Japanese Aspect Marker-te i-(ru)-Through the Comparison of Mandarin Speakers and Japanese Speakers


簡卉雯(Hui-Wen Chien)


完成 ; 中文 ; 動貌 ; 習得 ; -te i-(ru) ; the Perfect Meaning ; Mandarin Chinese ; aspect ; acquisition




38期(2014 / 03 / 01)


83 - 103




本研究將-te i-(ru)的完成用法之意思分成「完了」、「效力持續」、「紀錄」、「反事實」四種,分析中文母語學習者如何學習與母語對應不相同的文法形式。分析結果發現,日語母語者使用「效力持續」的比率較高;而中文母語學習者使用比率較高的用法是「完了」。這可能是來自-te i-(ru)完成用法的意思特徵及教科書的影響。另外,日語母語者及中文母語學習者動詞的使用多集中在活動動詞。學習者的誤用形式方面,「完了」用法的誤用多集中在「ta」;「紀錄」用法誤用形式多集中在「ru」。


This study categorized the perfect meaning of -te i-(ru) into four types: perfective, on-going, experiential, and counter-factual meanings, in order to find out how native Mandarin speakers learn a grammatical form that does not correspond to their mother tongue.The results show that native Japanese speakers often use the form to express the on-going meaning; while native Mandarin speakers often use the -te i-(ru) to express the perfective meaning. The differences may be due to the semantic features of the perfect meaning of -te i-(ru) and what was learned from the textbooks. It was a found that Mandarin speakers use -te i-(ru) with activity verbs, having the perfect meaning very frequently, which is similar to Japanese native speakers. It was also found out that native Mandarin speakers tend to use the past marker -ta as an alternative to -te i-(ru) to express the perfective meaning, and use -ru as an alternative to -te i-(ru) when expressing the experiential meaning.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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