With rapid development of internet environment, there is major change for learning foreign language. There is many changes now including learning tools and practice materials, and utilized item of learning strategy. However, listening performance of JFL learners did not show improvement even with all these changes. Thus teachers should change their teaching method based on the advanced technologies. We can aggressively guide the change of learners' behavior by adjusting teaching strategies. Result of study indicates the learner can develop the habit of self-monitoring learning behavior with the curriculum applying self-checking list which is also known as application of Meta-cognition strategy. Learner's behavior of strategy utilization will be changed with the influence from teaching design. The other finding is that we can understand trend of learner's overall learning strategy usage based on the result of strategy questionnaire survey. However, if we want to understand how individual learner change his/her learning behavior and how much will they improve, we will need to continue the training investigation for individual case study.
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