翻譯是語言學習中重要的一環,因此,日語翻譯課程(指筆譯)成為各大專院校必開的專業課程之一。翻譯課使用的教材,因授課教師的不同,有很大的差異。相對於翻譯教材的多樣性,翻譯課的教學方法與授課技巧顯得較單純。一般來說,翻譯課大多會先講述翻譯方法與技巧,再提供教材給學生試譯,之後以繳交作業或口頭報告的方式確認學習成效。但這種教學方式,不但容易增加學生的負擔,也很難刺激學習欲望與動機。有鑑於此,本論文鎖定「日語翻譯」為研究對象,以《窗邊的小荳荳》的八種中譯本為翻譯教材,透過小組合作學習,讓學生經由分組活動的方式,比較各種譯本的選詞差異與語境的關連性,進而從中發現錯誤類型並找出原因,最後提出適當的譯詞與譯法。|Because Translation plays an important role in language learning, Japanese translation courses, specifically written translation, are part of the core curriculum of tertiary institution programs. Teaching materials differ greatly from instructor to instructor; however, most translation teaching methods and techniques are similar. In general, written translation courses first provide translation methods and techniques, then assign materials for students to translate. Students are measured by their written assignments or oral reports. However, this method burdens and de-motivates students. In light of this, this paper focuses on Japanese translation and uses eight separate Chinese translations of Toto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window as examples. Through corporative learning, students compare the differences in word choice and the context of the translations. Students learn the reasons for translation error patterns and propose the appropriate translation and method.