


English Developmental Class Student Perspectives on the Effectiveness and Impacts of English Between-class Ability Grouping at a Top University


廖彥棻(Yen-Fen Liao)


英文能力分級教學 ; 大一英文 ; 英文輔導課程 ; 適性教學 ; English between-class ability grouping ; Freshman English ; English developmental program ; adaptive teaching




48期(2020 / 03 / 01)


17 - 55






To cope with students' varying English abilities and diverse learning needs, the adaptive practice of grouping students according to their abilities for English instruction has recently been implemented in many colleges and universities in Taiwan. Yet the merits of the practice thus far are inconclusive. The effect of ability grouping on English learning and students' attitudes to ability grouping under such influence have been scarcely researched, particularly in the context of EFL programs at top universities. This study attempted to investigate the effectiveness and impact of an English developmental program and its relationship with students' attitudes to ability grouping from the perspectives of 62 English developmental class students at a top university in Taiwan by analyzing data from the questionnaire survey and class documents. The results show that:(1) the students' English proficiency, notably listening and speaking, had improved,(2)the English developmental program had a positive influence on the students' English learning motivation and strategy learning, but not on their learning attitudes toward the course,(3) those who benefited from the developmental program in English learning tended to approve of the ability grouping practice. Implications for further improvement of the English ability grouping programs and suggestions for future research are provided.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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