
西洋鏡:「翻譯目的論」(Skopos Theory)的目的/標問題


Through a Mirror Darkly: Skopos Theory Revisited


張上冠(Chang, Shang-Kuan)


目的論 ; 翻譯 ; 目的/標 ; 盲點 ; Skopos Theory ; translation ; purpose/goal/aim ; blindness




50期(2021 / 03 / 01)


1 - 11




萊斯(Reiss)和魏彌爾(Vermeer)所提出的「翻譯目的論」主張以譯文(或稱目標文本)在目標語境所意欲達成的目的來決定翻譯的策略。據此,「目的決定方法」(the end justifies the means)成了翻譯的準則,而翻譯不再是重新編碼原文某種固定「事實」的傳達過程,而是受目標文本目的的制約但能以各種適切的翻譯方法提供信息的一種重新創造。目的論在一定程度上解放了譯者,使其脫離了原文的束縛,同時也開拓了翻譯的可能性進而獲致目標譯文的多樣性,然而,目的論雖然能藉主張翻譯目的來凸顯翻譯行為在語用上所表現出的特性,但似乎對目的本身所涉及的一些相關問題欠缺深切的反思,從而使得理論本身的服膺/踐履者在翻譯時陷入某種自我指涉的「鏡像」迷思,因而模糊了翻譯主體和客體之間的根本差異。


Skopos Theory, proposed by Reiss & Vermeer, accentuates that the translation strategies most appropriate to fulfilling the purpose which a TT is intended for should be used by the translator who claims to translate successfully. From this it follows that "the end justifies the means," and that translation is not seen as passing on, in a recoded form, some "facts" of the ST but rather thought as communicating something new and original in the TT. Despite that Skopos Theory, in a pragmatical sense, may function readily in liberating the translator from "the corset of an enforced-and hence often meaningless-literalness," and can also help in rendering a ST, as an "information offer," more creatively, the theory itself is not immune to criticism. This essay is aimed to address the problem of skopos (purpose, goal, aim, etc.) whose rich meanings seem to be diluted and thus become attenuated in Skopos Theory.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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