本研究的目的是調查臺灣高等教育機構中各日語系課程,其包含日本地理、歷史教育的現狀。作者調查了2017年開設的所有相關課程,進行包含:(一)機構數量、(二)開設課程現狀、(三)修習學生數、(四)課程名稱、(五)體系別的比較,除釐清實際情況,也分析了趨勢。上述研究結果在接受調查的43個機構中,有33個機構(約佔3/4)在數據上顯示課程中包含地理和歷史相關教育內容的實施。此外,作者也發現,各機構所開設的歷史相關課程數量和修習學生數,遠比地理課程高,且以選修課程開設為多。另外,關於日語的外圍知識教育,認定不一,例如:國立和私立學校之間、日本語文學系和應用日語系之間的實施有別,學年制或單學期制也不一,多樣貌的實施顯示各校的特徵。|This study is a survey to understand the current state of Japanese geography and history education at Taiwanese higher education institutions that have a Japanese language department. First, all related subjects were extracted from all the subjects offered in 2017. Then, the actual situation was clarified by (1) the number of institutions offered, (2) the status of course registration, (3) the number of students, (4) the names of courses offered, and (5) comparisons by system. And, also added an analysis of that trend. As a result, it was numerically shown that geography and history-related education is being implemented at 33 institutions, which is about 3/4 of the 43 schools surveyed. It was also found that the number of courses offered and the number of students taking courses are higher than those of geography, and that they are often set as elective courses. On the other hand, despite the common Japanese language peripheral knowledge education, the unity was not so much seen. It was found that a wide variety of education is provided in each of the national and private schools, Japanese literature and applied Japanese language, year-round and single semester courses, and the characteristics of each school are shown.