


The Historical Tradition of "To Have a Thorough Knowledge of the Changes from Ancient Times to the Present"




林時民(Shi-Min Lin)


通古今之變 ; 通變 ; 會通 ; 傳統 ; To have a thorough know ledge of the changes from ancient times to the present ; Tong-bian to have a thorough knowledge of the changes ; Huei-tong to understand thoroughly ; tradition




34期(2005 / 12 / 01)


35 - 57




中國史學自史公司馬遷揭櫫「究天人之際,通古今之變,成一家之言」後,後世學者多奉為圭皋,執行如儀,乏人逾越。史公此句名言,遂衍為史學要則,成為重要傳統遺產之一。 本文除探究史公如何在其「一家之言」的《史記》中,達成其欲臻於「通古今之變」的理想外,更就史公以降歷代具代表性的史家劉知幾、杜佑、司馬光、鄭樵、章學誠諸氏,析述其人其書之旨要,則不僅可以發現縱面上由漢代迄於近代一貫相承的「通變」思想,縷縷不絕;亦可審知橫面上各人成就名目雖殊,或在紀傳體通史、史學批評理論、典制體通史、編年體通史等不同領域上,樹立風聲,揚名萬世,唯根本的通變之道,實皆源於史公的「通古今之變」。是知,今日吾人治史,恐亦不能自外於此則指導思想。


In Chinese history, since Ssu-ma Chien proposed ”To explore the relationship between the nature and the society, to have a thorough know ledge of the changes from ancient times to the present, and to write a book of one's own,” most of the scholars of later generations took it to be the criterion, executed it accordingly, and nobody exceeded it. This celebrated dictum of Ssu-ma Chien became the major principle of history, and one of the important traditional inheritance. Besides exploring how Ssu-ma Chien achieved the ideal of ”To have a thorough knowledge of the changes from ancient times to the present” in his book ”The Historical Records,” the article analyzed the representative historians of all the past dynasties. such as Liu Zhiji Chi, Tu Yu, Ssu-ma Kuang, Zheng Qiao. and Zhang Xuecheng. and the gists of their books. I found that vertically from Han Dynasty to the modern times, the thought of ”Tong-bian (to have a thorough know ledge of the changes)” that was derived from the same origin has extended continuously and ceaselessly. Horizontally, the historians were specialized in diverse fields such as the general history of Ji-jhuan-ti (the style emphasized the individuals and their performances), the historical criticism and theory, the general history of Dian-jhih-ti (the style of institutions and systems), and the general history of Bian-nian-ti (of chronological style) based on them, the historians established their reputation, and became famous in all ages. I observed that although the items of their accomplishments were different, the basic principle/ method of Tong-bian (to have a thorough know ledge of the changes) actually originated from Ssu-ma Chien's ideal of ”To have a thorough know ledge of the changes from ancient times to the present” in his book ”The Historical Records.” Therefore, we shall know that for us to study the history today, we shall not neglect this guide of thought.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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