


Study on the British Far East Navy 'the China Station': Its Strategic Purpose and Its Manner during the Sino-Japanese War


王家儉(Chia-Chien Wang)


飛航艦隊 ; 太平洋封鎖 ; 自然同盟 ; 芝罘煙台 ; 澎湖 ; the Flying Squadron ; Pacific Blockade ; a natural allies ; Chefoo Yantai ; Pescadores




40期(2008 / 12 / 01)


57 - 84




十九世紀是列強爭奪海權的「海洋時代」,也是帝國主義國家向外殖民擴張的「黃金時代」。尤其是英國,一向即有以皇家海軍與國家政策嚴密結合的傳統,其海軍亦隨著英國之國勢的擴張而稱雄於世界,並在維多利亞女皇統治期間(Queen Victoria, 1837-1901),締造了維護世界大部地區和平的「泛大不列顛時代」(The period of the pan Britannica)。 英國皇家海軍至十九世紀中葉之時,已相繼設立十個艦隊,分布於全球各個戰略要地,藉以維護其海上的交通、商業的利益,以及殖民地的安全。「中國艦隊」(The China Station)即其派駐於遠東的代表,其戰略布局最主要的任務,就是維護英國在華的商業及外交優勢,並阻止俄國海軍勢力的南下,掌控西太平洋的海權。故自其成立後,即不斷地在華活動,並與列強互相角逐在華的權益。迨至民國時代,更以中國衰弱而變本加厲。每以中國民族主義運動,橫加武力鎮壓,造成一連串的慘案。直到第二次世界大戰爆發,此一縱橫於遠東八十餘年(1856-1941)歷史的「中國艦隊」,方才撤離中國。 關於「中國艦隊」問題之研究,除葛雷漢(Gerald S. Graham)的《中國艦隊:戰爭與外交》(The China Station: War and Diplomacy)之外,迄今尚未見有人問津。而葛氏之書僅以1860年以前為限。本文則以英法聯軍至甲午戰爭(1856-1895)為研究範圍,其餘從略。


19(superscript th) century could be regarded as ”The Age of Ocean” that European countries fought for the power over the sea. It also was ”The Golden Age” that the imperialist countries attempted to expand their territories. British, in particular, with the tradition combining the British Royal Navy and state policies, its navy achieved its height as Britain expanded its power in the world. In addition, it established ”The Period of the pan Britannica” with the concern to keep peace in the majority of the world. Till the mid-nineteenth century, the British Royal Navy built up 10 stations all over the world for the sake of the traffic accross the oceans, the commercial intersts, and the safety of colonies. The China Station is the delegate set at the Far East to maintain commercial and diplomatic advantages as well as to keep the Russia Navy from the southward intrusion, for the purpose to control over the West Pacific Ocean. Since being founded, the China Station had had different kinds of activities and competed with other countries for the interests in China. Untill the establishment of R.O.C., China Station continued its ambition owing to the declining of Chinese government. It tried to oppress the democratic movements in China and therefore caused a series of tragedies. After the burst out of 2(superscript nd) World War, the China Station finally left China, and ended its eighty-five-year (1856~1941) activities. Studies focused on the China Station are quite rare, and no research has been done except Gerald S. Graham's The China Station: War and Diplomacy. Yet Graham's book simply focuses on the issues before 1860. Thus this paper tends to discuss the issue of China Station during 1856 and 1895 (started from the Allied Force of England and France, and ended with the Sino-Japanese War).

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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