


A Discussion of Su Hsun's Ritual Theory: Also about His Outlook of the Relationship between Classics and History




蔣義斌(I-Pin Chiang)


蘇洵 ; 禮 ; 經史關係 ; 太常因革禮 ; Su Hsun ; ritual ; Relationship between Classics and History ; "Tai chang yin ge li"




47期(2012 / 06 / 01)


63 - 104






Su Hsun (1009-1066) is an important scholar of Shu School in Northern Sung China. He finished a theory about ritual system that could divide into two parts. Firstly, the contents of ritual, that will included ritual has being sacred, authority and power, transforming harmony, and its foundation of human feelings. Secondly, the practice of ritual, he explained that will have dialectics relation between ritual and custom, and discussed the principle of justice that could be as a base to reward and punishment. The second part of his theory of ritual, he wanted to proof that time-space environment and introspection in history is a fundamental element.In the theory of ritual that established by Su Hsun, ritual must practice in history. In his theory about ritual, history is a fundamental element, that forming his view about the relation of classics and history. He will call the new relation is yi yi tie er, one way two type. They are no absolutely advantageous between classics and history. It is a characteristic discuss in the intellectual history of China.In Su Hsun's old age, he participated in a team to compose royal ritual, named ”Tai chang yin ge li”. In this royal ritual records, Sh Hsun insist that composed principle should be history not ritual codes. This ritual records book has been finished for his insist. Yin ge means continuous and change, that constituted the main contents of history. The style of Yin ge could recorded details and examine introspection both.Su Hsun claims ritual must practicable, and the development of history could test and verify the way. It is not just a theory, in the works of composing ritual records book Su Hsun prove that history is an important method.Su Hsun (1009-1066) is an important scholar of Shu School in Northern Sung China. He finished a theory about ritual system that could divide into two parts. Firstly, the contents of ritual, that will included ritual has being sacred, authority and power, transforming harmony, and its foundation of human feelings. Secondly, the practice of ritual, he explained that will have dialectics relation between ritual and custom, and discussed the principle of justice that could be as a base to reward and punishment. The second part of his theory of ritual, he wanted to proof that time-space environment and introspection in history is a fundamental element.In the theory of ritual that established by Su Hsun, ritual must practice in history. In his theory about ritual, history is a fundamental element, that forming his view about the relation of classics and history. He will call the new relation is yi yi tie er, one way two type. They are no absolutely advantageous between classics and history. It is a characteristic discuss in the intellectual history of China.In Su Hsun's old age, he participated in a team to compose royal ritual, named ”Tai chang yin ge li”. In this royal ritual records, Sh Hsun insist that composed principle should be history not ritual codes. This ritual records book has been finished for his insist. Yin ge means continuous and change, that constituted the main contents of history. The style of Yin ge could recorded details and examine introspection both.Su Hsun claims ritual must practicable, and the development of history could test and verify the way. It is not just a theory, in the works of composing ritual records book Su Hsun prove that history is an important method.

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