Zhonggan Bao (a. k. a. Zhunan first Bao) and Miaoli Bao (a. k. a. Zhunan second Bao) in the Ch'ing dynasty are proverbially called the Zaoqiao section of the ”mountain line,” and the demarcation line between these two hadn't been clarified until the arrival Ming-chuan Liu, who brought the request to Ch'ing dynasty. But the people from the Baos of Zhonggan and Miaoli still consider the Zaoqiao section as part of their own territories, thus we could see the great controversy existed within the demarcation then. Till 1887, Ming-chuan Liu has proposed to Ch'ing dynasty about the construction of Miaoli county, and discords occurred again between people from these two Baos, and people in Miaoli Bao view the Zaoqiao section should remain as part of Xinzhu county, and all above led to the policemen of Xinzhu and Miaoli had to arrive there, then the act of demarcation was finally performed in 1889.According to the result of demarcation marked in 1887 within our research, the boundary between the east of Zaoqiao country and the south of Sanwan country was still un-clarified, and the borderline between Miaoli and Xinzhu has remained unclear after 1887 when the governments of these two counties made it clear within the practical procedure through gradual efforts.