


Lau Chu-Pak as a Celebrity of Shenzhen and Hong Kong: Life, Career, and Significance




蔡惠堯(Hui-Yao Cai)


二十世紀初期 ; 深圳 ; 香港 ; 劉鑄伯 ; 志業 ; 意義 ; Early 20th century ; Shenzhen ; Hong Kong ; Lau Chu-pak ; career ; significance




50期(2013 / 12 / 01)


199 - 245






After Hong Kong was ceded to Great Britain, a locally relevant and feasible capitalist ruling structure was gradually established. Large progress was reflected in administrative, economic and social dimensions. The crown colony became an international trade centre. The miracle of Hong Kong was closely related with British ruling policy, the lasting influence of international and domestic climate, but also largely contributed by the constant striving of the Chinese community in Hong Kong for improvement. Amongst them, the Chinese celebrities definitely played a critical role. Based on immense economic strength, a group of Chinese in Hong Kong rose to the upper social class since the 1850s. They actively called for reform, participated in public management and worked on expanding and improving living space. Their outstanding contribution for the early development of the colony is obvious and far-reaching. Moreover, they also actively participated in the social construction and revolutionary movements in mainland China, which certainly accelerated the modernization of China.Lau Chu-pak (1867-1922), the focus of this paper had his origin in Pinghu, Shenzhen. He had been very active in political, commercial, academic and medical circles through the late 19th century and early 20th century. He committed himself for the social improvement of the Chinese community in Hong Kong during his term with the Sanitary Board and Legislative Council. While working with the General Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Tung-wah Hospital, Po Leung Kuk and the Elllis Kadoorie Chinese School Society successively, he endeavored to enhance the well-being of the Chinese. In response to the construction of Kowloon-Canton Railway, he exclusively invested on setting up the Pinghu New Market in Pinghu, his hometown. The market, regarded as a model of modern urban construction in Shenzhen preliminarily secured the central urban function of Pinghu in the conjunction area of Shenzhen, Dongguan and Huizhou.Lau Chu-pak was quite well-known in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Like his Chinese contemporaries, he actively participated in public affairs and improving the well-being of Chinese. He, however, also had his distinctive thinking pattern and behaviour. Besides, it was obvious to find time and space limitation on him. Through the case study of Lau Chu-pak, it is helpful for us to recognize and measure the role of Chinese celebrities. The study also provides a reference for the further society research or other case studies about Hong Kong.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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