


The Cold War in the United Nations: A Case Study of China's Accusation of the United States' Invasion of Taiwan in 1950




蕭道中(Tao-Chung Hsiao)


冷戰 ; 韓戰 ; 否決權 ; 控美侵臺案 ; 臺灣地位未定論 ; Cold War ; Korea War ; Veto Power ; Political Status of Taiwan




55期(2016 / 06 / 01)


139 - 183






After the outbreak of the Korean War, the Cold War in the East Asia became increasingly intense, the struggle between the Western and Eastern blocs was extended to the diplomatic confrontation in the United Nations. In August 1950, as a reaction to the US military presence in the Strait of Taiwan, the Peoples' Republic of China accused the US of violating the sovereignty of China. Due to the fact that there was one China government respectively in the both sides of the Strait of Taiwan, this case involved inevitably with the issues of the representative right of China and the political status of Taiwan. Meanwhile, due to the aggressive atmosphere of the Cold War, the case entangled itself into the complicated international politics and the Western bloc's Far East policies after the Korean War. Because of this event, for the first time the PRC's representatives attended the United Nations. It was also the only once that the representatives of "Chinese" governments from the both sides of the Strait of Taiwan confronted face to face in the United Nations.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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