


Strength in Cooperation: The Spread of Knowledge of Immunology in Japan and Taiwan between 1890 and 1920




沈佳姍(Shen, Chia-san)


血清 ; 免疫 ; 細菌學 ; 後藤新平 ; 高木友枝 ; 傳染病研究所 ; 北里柴三郎 ; 東京大學 ; Serum ; Immune ; Bacteriology ; Gotou Shinpei ; Takagi Tomoe ; Institute of Infectious Diseases ; Kitazato Shibasaburou ; Tokyo Imperial University




57期(2017 / 06 / 01)


177 - 217






Between 1890 and 1920, knowledge of immunology became widely diffused in Japan and Taiwan. This paper examines how this knowledge was spread by looking at several critical organizations and individuals affiliated with the Japanese Central Government and the Japanese Colonial Government in Taiwan. First, knowledge of immunology in Japan began with the establishment of the Institute of Infectious Diseases (IID) in the 1890's. Not only did the IID take upon itself the tasks of setting up workshops, tracking the sources of diseases, and devising prevention methods, it also placed state-run organizations in charge of the manufacture of vaccines and serums, thus effectively making state-run organizations responsible for the study of vaccines and serums. Individual figures that played a critical role in the formation of the IID include the following: Kitazato Shibasaburou (technician), Gotou Shinpei (administrator), Nagayo Sensai (Chair of the Private Hygienic Society of Great Japan), and Hasegawa Tai (legislator). The Japanese Medical Society, which was independent of the government, also played a key role. In 1895, as knowledge of immunology was just beginning to take off in Japan, Taiwan was put under Japanese colonial rule. As a result, Japanese expertise in public health and its administration were introduced to the people of Taiwan. In particular, individuals such as Gotou Shinpei and Takagi Tomoe were transferred to Taiwan. Among the many measures taken during this time were the following: (A) immunology experiments relating to swine fever were carried out; (B) plague vaccines were administered to the public; (C) the Journal of the Taiwan Medical Association outlined several core objectives; (D) medical students from Taiwan were given the opportunity to visit immunology institutions in Japan; (E) specialists either came to Taiwan from Japan or were trained locally in Taiwan; (F) the smallpox vaccine was administered to the general public; and (G) the Ako Anti-Rinderpest Serum Institute and the Taiwan Government Research Institute (TGRI) were established. All these measures contributed to the spread of immunology knowledge and the enhanced applications of immunology prevention policies. Moreover, the TGRI distinguished itself by the scale of its operations and the scope of its interdisciplinary knowledge. Both were at a level rarely seen in Japan. It succeeded in its endeavors on account of close cooperation between key figures and organizations and the international vision embodied by these people and organizations. In short, the push for the development of immunology knowledge derived from trends in international medicine, the need for disease prevention, and the cooperation among health administrators and many other relevant personnel. This close link among various key figures left its mark on disease prevention in Taiwan. Its influence manifested itself in another way as well: even after control over IID was transferred to Tokyo Imperial University in 1914, Taiwan continued to follow its methods of disease prevention.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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