
吐蕃大論尚綺心兒(Zhang khri sum rje)研究


A Study on Tibetan Prime Minister Zhang Khri Sum Rje




林冠群(Lin Kuan-chun)


吐蕃人物研究 ; 沒盧尚綺心兒達囊 ; 外戚 ; 政治生態 ; 吐蕃相制 ; zhang khri sum rje ; vBro zhang khri sum rje stag snang ; rule by maternal relatives ; political ecosystems ; Tibetan chancellor system




65期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 53




本文的研究對象為吐蕃大論尚綺心兒。尚綺心兒,全名為沒盧尚綺心兒達囊(vBro zhang khri sum rje stag snang),於西元810年至836年墀德松贊與墀祖德贊在位時擔任大論,其任職時間長達27年,為吐蕃實施眾相制度以來,任期最長的一位大論。尚綺心兒於吐蕃晚期對外政策之擬訂與推動實踐中,扮演非常重要的角色,包括在絕不失去片土寸地的原則下,致力與其東境、北境之國簽訂會盟,特別是曾與李唐多次交手。因此欲掌握吐蕃晚期對外總體態勢,以尚綺心兒為中心的研究,將有助於釐清吐蕃於晚期對外政策的實質內涵與動向。另方面,究竟吐蕃曾否建立王室外戚掌控吐蕃官僚體系的疑問,亦有賴研究尚綺心兒加以釐清,此乃攸關吐蕃王朝內部結構與政治生態的重要論題。本文將依據吐蕃碑銘、敦煌古藏文卷子以及漢文史料所載,以藏語文知識及史學方法,從事吐蕃重要人物的研究。


This paper focuses on the historical figure vBro zhang khri sum rje stag snang, also known as Shang Trisumje. As Prime Minister of Tibet, he played a critical role in shaping Tibetan politics during the ninth century; in particular, he was decisive in helping to determine whether Tibet would adopt the zhang lon system of rule by maternal relatives. A notable military leader, Zhang khri sum rje also helped shape Sino-Tibetan relations during the Tang dynasty. Primary sources used for the present study include Tibetan inscriptions, Dunhuang texts, Chinese historical and literary documents, and Tibetan historical and literary documents. It is hoped that the present study, concerning a single, albeit influential figure, will help to illuminate Tibetan history, culture, and politics during the ninth century.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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