


Social Networks and The Diary of Liu Fucai: Applying Geographic Information Systems and Social Network Analysis Software




李宗信(Li, Chung-hsin);張育誠(Chang, Yu-cheng);劉庭羽(Liu, Ting-yu)


日記 ; 資料庫 ; 社會網絡分析 ; 地理資訊系統 ; Diary of Liu Fucai ; historical social network analysis ; historical geographic information system ; Xinshe




65期(2021 / 06 / 01)


157 - 213






This paper introduces the reader to the Diary of Liu Fucai, which contains the diary entries of Liu Fucai written between 1917 and 1977, the year of his death. Liu was one of the few intellectuals from the Danan region of central Taiwan during the Japanese colonial rule period (1895- 1945); for many years, he was the principal of Xinshe Agricultural Senior High School (since renamed Xinshe High School); and he also traveled extensively throughout Taiwan during his long and active life. His diary is thus an invaluable historical source document for central Taiwan, all the more so because Liu was an able writer who painted many a vivid scene of the events he personally witnessed and experienced. In addition to providing an introduction to Liu's diary, this paper also examines the social networks mentioned by Liu, using a database constructed with geographic information systems and social network analysis software. In this way, we have created a scaled-down version of the geography and historical developments of the Danan and Xinshe regions during the early twentieth century. It is hoped that the present paper can serve as an example for the application and use of geographic information systems and social network analysis software.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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